On Banneraghatta Road, 10 kms away from Bangalore, there was an undeveloped village called Doresanipalaya or Thaipalya. This village gets its name from the fact this village was purchased by the Mysore Mission from one Mrs. Watson, an European lady. Hence the village was called ‘Doresani’ playa or ‘Thayi’ playa. When Msgr. William D’Mello (later became the bishop of Karwar), was the parish priest of Doresanipalya, he invited our sisters to take up and upgrade the school which was already in existence till 4th Standard. The total number of the students then were 120. Catechist’s home was renovated and given to the sisters for their residence. So our sisters occupied this abode on 21st May, 1963. The house was blessed by Archbishop Thomas Pothacamury. At this time, Co-adjutor bishop Lourdusamy and mother Divine Heart RGS were present. The pioneers of this community were Sr. Henritta (Superior) and Sr. Felix (in-charge of the dispensary which was run under the management of the Lion’s club), Sr. Margaret Mary (Head Mistress) and Sr. Bernadine. Sr. Margaret Mary took keen interest to gather the children after working hours in the school, and gave them tuition till late night. She kept contact with the youth of the parish and gathered people for the evening rosary.
The foundation for the new convent was laid on 5th August 1980 and was blessed and opened by Fr. Bernard, the then parish priest on 18th March 1981. Our sisters are involving themselves more relevantly for the uplift of the village children through the education apostolate. The institution has from nursery to class x. Our sisters continue their service with dedication and love.
St. Anne's Convent Doresani Palaya Bannerghatta Road Bengaluru-560076 Ph.no. – 080-26582992