Our Presence in Gokunte was as early as 1966 but with the intention of serving Mulbagal school. It was in 1983 that at the request of Fr. Antony Mookenthottam, MSFS, the then Provincial Superior and with the due permission of the Archbishop Arokiaswamy of Bangalore, that we started a new convent at Gokunte. Our sisters took up education apostolate staying in presbetery. Later a new residential building was constructed with a purpose of a formation house also, which was blessed by Archbishop Rev. Archbishop Alphonsus Mathias on 28th October 1987.
While construction was still going on, Sr. Amala the directress of the Postulants arrived with 13 postulants. The first batch of Postulants were : Sandhya, Maggie Sebastine, Mency, Mary Kutty, Mary Joseph, Lovely Varghese, Theresa, Mary Grace, Veronica, Arokia Mary, Philomena, Jessy and Cicily. They were the first batch to start postulancy here. In the beginning all stayed with the sisters in presbetery house and two days. Fr. Abraham pendanam was very generous in giving his own house and he remained in the old bank building. Sr. Irene and community remained in the top building and sr. Amala and postulants stayed in the celler. They began thier new life in the new house on November 25th 1987. On 19th March 1988, prayer house celler chapel foundation stone was blessed by Fr. Abraham Pendanam MSFS. After that from 1988 onwards, this house functioned also as a retreat centre (Individual and group retreats). On 8th September 1988, a new grotto was blessed and there was candle procession at night. Prayer house construction was completed and was blessed on 16th April 1989. First time General chapter was held in April 1989 in this house.
A free boarding was constructed in order to give education for the economically backward children of the neighbouring villages without any discrimination of caste or creed. On 15th April, 1987, foundation stone was laid for a boarding. It was blessed and opened in the year 1988 July 26th. Our congregation continues to meet their expenses.
From 1989, Mother Bernadette became the member of this community. Sr. Amala was replaced by Sr. Kamala since 1989, 31st May. Later in 1993 Sr. Suma replaced Sr. Kamala. In 1996, this house functioned also as a centre for conducting courses for Tertians. Sr. Holy Name was the Directress. In 1999, Sr. Kumari replaced Sr. Suma as the mistress of the postulants. In 2000, Sr. Supriya replaced Sr. Kumari. In 2002, Sr. Nisha replaced Sr. Supriya. Sr. Nisha was replaced by Sr. Vanitha John in 2005. In 2012, Sr. Supriya replaced Sr. Vanitha John till 2015. From 2004-2005 aspirants were in Gokunte and also in 2012 this house functioned as a house of formation for Tertians. Sr. Kamala was their directress. Presently it is functioning only as a local community with a dispensary and boarding attached to it.
St. Anne's Prayer House Gokunte Mulbagal Taluk Kolar Dist-563131 Ph.no. – 08159-290066