SARWA, a social organization came into existence on 1st July, 1995, in the premises of Prayer House, Gokunte. SARWA stands for St. Anne’s Rural Welfare Association. A new opening was constructed and a door was fixed to the existing dormitory and converted that as a hall for SARWA to conduct its program without disturbing the candidates. The vision of this project was: “To work towards the integrated development of humanity based on love, justice, freedom and solidarity to create a just society where equality prevails at all levels in which human values are respected.” The pioneer of this wing was Sr. Seraphia Parakkadan. From July 1995 to December 1995 not many activities were undertaken except that a few women groups were formed in the villages of Honnikere, Nachahally, Majara-Gokunte, Kadirenahally, Hosahalli etc. In the history of the Province, it was for the first time that a social work wing took its birth.
The activities of SARWA are: Training programs on Panchayat Raj, NTGCF, Animators' Development, People's Movement and Oraganization, Communication Skills, Sangha Formation, Live Stock Raring, Non- Formal Education, Street play, Literacy skills, Horticulture, Income Generating Program etc. Along with this celebration such as Womens’ Day, Independence Day and Christmas are celebrated. In the year 2000, on 7th June, SARWA was shifted to Navajeevana Health Centre, Kolar as the venue of this health centre fell vacant due to some circumstances (The sisters extended their service by starting Nava Jeevan Health Centre to cater to the medical needs of the people of the locality. The centre was blessed by Fr. George Puriyidam MSFS, the then parish priest, Kolar. The District Health Officier of Kolar took keen interest to have the Centre inaugurated on 15th August 1994. Sr. Philomena Payyappilly and Sr. Mercitta were appointed on the staff. Dr. Srs. Helen Mary and Pauline rendered their service in turn.). In the year 2003, Sr. Seraphia left for her Province. She was succeeded by Sr. Lydia on 27th May 2004. After her, Sr. Josena was appointed as the Directress of SARWA in 2008. Many sisters are associated with SARWA. To name just a few, Sr. Louis Mary, Sr. Helen Mary, Sr. Mercy George, Sr. Susheela, Sr. Anita, Sr. Good Counsel, Sr. Nirmala Mary, Sr. Arogya Jyothi Mary and a few others.
Near Water Works
Kolar Town
Karnataka- 563101 – 08152-223418